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4th of July Parade

It's official: the 4th of July Prouts Bike Parade is back!

Lesley Craig has once again kindly offered all bike decorating enthusiasts to gather on her lawn across from the PNYC at 2:15 pm on Sunday, July 4th. The Women's Auxiliary has donated all bike decorations so all kids can decorate their bikes in Patriotic style!  The parade will start at 3:00 pm and will proceed from the PNYC to the beach at the PNBA (route will follow Black Point Road), where we will gather for snacks on the beach at low tide. 

This parade wouldn't be possible without the help of volunteers (and, of course, Peter Nappi!), so please reach out to Jenny Munroe at 617-913-0998 or Jeremy Haskins at 617-543-4441 if you'd like to help with set-up/bike decorating duty (3 volunteers needed), or set-up/snack duty at the beach (3 volunteers needed). 

We are excited to resume this annual tradition!

August 5

August Community Meeting

July 6

Safety Day!